PUBG Mobile is a lot of fun, and the reason is partly the excellent selection of arsenal the game offers. You get pistols and revolvers, shotguns, SMGs, ARs, drones in Arctic Mode, heck even RPGs in Payload mode. However, the sniper rifle is one of the elite weapons in the game.

Before you can start sniping, you actually need to get a sniper rifle. While you can find snipers lying around the map, you have a higher chance of finding one in military areas, such as the Military Base in Erangel. In Sanhok, try landing in Bootcamp.

Air drops almost always contain a sniper rifle. If you’re very lucky, you can find the AWM here which is the most powerful sniper rifle in the game. A headshot with the AWM can’t be stopped even by a Level 3 helmet, so make sure your aim is true.

You will also find the Mk14 inside Air Drops and this is another really great sniper rifle. It can switch between single fire (for long distance shooting) and automatic fire (for close combat) which makes it extremely versatile. Switch between an 8x and a 3x scope for absolute combat efficiency with the Mk14.

With snipers, aiming is extremely important. Most snipers will do ridiculous amounts of damage with a headshot, which means if you can get a headshot on your enemy, it’s likely that they will be killed or knocked out. However, that applies to you too, which means you need to ensure you’re a smaller target to hit for your enemy.

Sometimes you will find the ghillie suit inside air drops as well. If you get this, you can pull off some insane stealth kills.

Find a patch of grass and lie down to become extremely hard to spot. Moreover, you get even better stability this way. Keep in mind though, that being prone means your movement speed is extremely slow, so if you are spotted, you will have to get up and run really quickly.

Attachments can take your sniping skills to the next level. The most obvious attachment is a scope, yes, but there are other attachments that can give you the upper hand when you’re locked in a sniping battle. Here’s what I prefer using:

Go for a flash hider or a suppressor. Personally I like using a flash hider when I’m trying to hide with a ghillie suit since this means enemies can’t see my sniper’s muzzle flash to spot me from a distance.

This won’t matter over relatively shorter distances, but as you start taking longer shots with your sniper rifle, you will have to adjust for bullet drop. This is hard, and it takes practice.

7. Scope Selection

Like I said, snipers are meant for long-distance shooting. That means, a more powerful scope is obviously better to get in those awesome headshots from hundreds of metres away.

8. Lead the Target

One of the best feelings in your journey as a sniper is when you get a headshot on a moving target with a sniper rifle. It’s awesome, and it makes for some excited exclamations from your squad members as well.

A really useful movement option in PUBG Mobile — Peeking — isn’t enabled by default. While this is useful for all sorts of things, sniping is one place where peeking really helps.

Sniping is about precision. With an M416 or the Groza, at a shorter distance, you can rely to a certain extent on the sheer overpowering shower of bullets from these ARs to kill your enemy, but with snipers, you need to be precise.

Use These PUBG Sniping Tips in Your Next Game

Obviously, you won’t be able to remember all these tips all at once, but you should try out a few of the things I have mentioned here and see how you perform at sniping in PUBG Mobile. The best place to practice is either the practice room, and the Sniper Training mode to practice against actual enemies.