Ever stumbled upon an image on Instagram and wondered why it won so many hearts? While there could be all sorts of tricks involved in making that pic look catchy, choosing the right filter for the right shot is the key. For instance, picking out a “Slumber” filter for a dream-like image and choosing “Crema” for food shots can prove to be game-changers. Featuring a variety of filters designed for different moods and different shots, Instagram lets you instantly beautify your image in line with a specific theme. But if you aren’t sure which one could be perfect for your social networking game, these are the 15 best Instagram filters that can get you trending in 2020.

When it comes to selecting a filter, a rule of thumb can’t always be right. So, let’s dive a little deep into the detail for better understanding!

Choosing an Instagram filter depends on multiple things like theme, mood, and background. If you wish to look gorgeous or cinematic, select the filter that adds extra light to the image with a central focus. And if you want to give a retro touch to your image, go for the black and white filter that makes your pic look vintage without distorting the quality. To make your job a tad easier, we’ve discussed the situations in which a particular filter would appear spot-on. Having said that, it’s time to explore the top Instagram filters without any further ado.

Right at the top of this roundup sits “Juno” which is one of my favorite Instagram filters. What it basically does is pump up both the contrast and vibrancy of an image, thereby making it look truly fascinating. Thanks to the addition of color-tints, the photos appear eye-catching or in other words seem to arrest eyes straightaway.

Well, keep this impressive filter for the times where you wish the warm colors to pop-up and appear vivid. Besides, you should also save it when you want the brighter areas to arrest attention. It would add the much-needed vibrancy factor to your shots so that they never go amiss. That’s for sure!

2. Lark

Another Instagram filter that I often use to make my photos look appealing is Lark. It works efficiently in increasing the brightness of an image. But what I like most about it is that it keeps the natural flair intact so that your shot continues to appear pleasing to the eyes.

When Should You Use Lark?

By subduing the color vibrancy, Lark ensures your image appear naturally bright. And that makes it spot on for outdoor shots. So, the next time your image is craving for a bit washed out or calmer effect, go for it!

Ah! “Lo-Fi” is kind of a rock star that gives your image a dramatic look so that it doesn’t have to work too hard to win attention. Thanks to the much deeper shadows and much more intense saturation for vibrant colors, your shots are able to shout out loud and grab the eyes with ease. But you must use this weapon cleverly.

When Should You Use Lo-Fi ?

Well, you should keep Lo-Fi for special occasions when you want your shots to grab eyeball even in the crowd. In other words, save this filter only when you wish to put more emphasis on shadows and bolster color vibrancy. After all, you don’t want to give up on a natural look all the time in favor of a more dramatic avatar, do you?

Time to go for maximum contrast for a more fascinating impact. When there is an ardent desire to give your Instagram pic elegant flair, X-Pro II would be the way to go. Well, the reason why I’m backing for its inclusion is that special occasion demands for out-of-the-box stuff and this is where it can live up to the billing.

When Should You Use X-Pro II?

Using a pretty robust vignette around the edges, X-Pro II darkens the shadow and makes colors appear more vibrant. Therefore, your images are able to steal attention effortlessly. Again, I would recommend you give it a try only when the occasion wants your pic to standout. Considering these qualities, X-Pro II can easily stake the claim of being one of the best Instagram filters of all time.

“Clarendon” has caught up really well with me in recent times. And, there are multiple reasons why I find it so appreciable. First and foremost, this filter amplifies not only saturation but also contrast for brighter and adorable effect. And second, it also darkens the shadows so that everything looks right on the money.

The reason why you should always keep Clarendon on your radar is that it lets you pump up the lighter areas and darken up the shadows without making your pic look unnatural. Given how effectively it works, it should be an automatic choice on many occasions. If I were to call one Insta filter pretty cool, it has to be this one—without an iota of doubt.

Is it high time you looked at your vintage best? If yes, put your hands on Gingham. So, how does this filter work? Well, it decreases the saturation and highlights to give your image a vintage look. And the softened color vibrancy, as well as aged appearance, seem to add a bit more depth. What’s more, the warm and slightly hazy appearance also brings in the nostalgic flavor to the photos.

When Should You Use Gingham?

Times when you wish your pics to make you feel nostalgic with just a glance, Gingham can be worth giving a shot. Use it to liven up some of your throwback images or bring them into contention once again.

Have a penchant for a reddish look? If yes, chances are pretty high that Ludwig will win you over at the very first glance. It puts the entire emphasis on the red color by boosting saturation on it while diminishing the presence of all other colors like green, yellow, blue and more. So, your shot appears a lot warmer and lighter.

When Should You Use Ludwig?

Apart from giving a pretty warmer appearance to your images, Ludwig can also come in handy when you want the light and dark areas in the architectural structures to look in the perfect sync. So, there is more to it than what meets the eyes!

“Rise” has got a lot to offer. With the use of yellowish gold tint, this Instagram filter softens the photos to fade away blemishes. And, by increasing the exposure of the image, it makes it look brighter and of course a bit yellower as well. As a result, your shot has more chance to get likes and even invoke praiseworthy compliments.

When Should You Use Rise?

Well, you should use Rise to take the attention away from blemishes like pimples. Besides, it can also do a pretty good task in lighting up the dark and underexposed images. So, if you ever find your pics looking a bit too dark to go live on Instagram, bring on the Rise to light it up.

I guess you are eager to experiment with an antique avatar, aren’t you? If the situation or the mood compels you to look different, Valencia is the one that can fit into your needs with aplomb.

Well, whenever your mood decides to tone up the lighter colors, Valencia could be a pretty good bet. Thanks to the more focus on yellow hues and the tendency to look very warm, the pics have a high percentage chance to pass the acid test even to the most investigative eyes.

10. Mayfair

If you have been using Instagram for long, you may already be fully aware of “Mayfair.” Well, it has existed since 2012 and widely considered to be the most versatile Instagram filter. The reason why a lot of people find it so impressive is that it works immaculately and can seamlessly fit into different moods and any situations.

Due mainly to the versatility, Mayfair can ideally find a place in any situation. However, it works at its best for evenly and well-lit scenes. One little tip: whenever you are not sure which filter to use or which one may be ideal for your pic, go for it without thinking twice.

Slumber is the sort of Instagram filter that can easily appeal to selfie lovers. And if that’s you, be sure to give it a shot. What it basically does is de-saturates photos to make them look hazy. With a touch of dream-like quality, your pic looks all set to invoke a romantic feel.

As you may have already sensed, Slumber is designed to raise the romantic quotient of your image. Thanks to the combo of romantic feel and vintage appearance, it makes your Instagram photo look pleasing to the eyes. And that’s precisely what sets Slumber apart as one of the best Instagram filters right now.

While Moon may not have been chart-topper, it deserves a mention for more than one reason. For starters, this black and white filter adds more intense feel to the shadows, making your image look classy. In other words, you should look at it as a black and white variant of the Gingham Instagram filter (mentioned in this lineup)

Thanks to the ability to give an intense feel to shadows, Moon can make you a great fan of black and white pics. For better a result, use this filter with portraits. Fun fact: it was named after the dog of one of the Instagram team members.

13. Crema

Crema has long been a highly-rated Instagram filter. What makes it so cool is the ability to make your pics look smooth and creamy. Therefore, you can use this filter outdoors for warming and cooling effects. It’s quite popular among Instagrammers who like sharing yummy-looking food shots.

Crema works pretty effectively with outdoor nature-scapes. So, the next time you want your city shots to get plenty of traction on the social networking site, you shouldn’t miss out on this one. Why just city pics, it can even turn out to be a game-changer for your food shots. From what I can tell, it can play a vital role in making your Instagram challenges go viral,

There is a lot to like in Hefe. The filter warms up your image by increasing color saturation and adding a bit of vignetting (ditto, the instant result may even put some Instagram photo editors to shame.) Thus, your shots appear quite attractive. If you are willing to boost the beautify quotient of your image, this one should be one of your first targets.

Why Should You Try Hefe?

The ability to ramp up color saturation while also adding some vignetting into the mix makes Hefe a fantastic choice for fun shots with plenty of colors. Therefore, you should save this cool Instagram filter for nature, poolside, and jovial shots in which you wish to look at your giggling best.

For sporting cinematic look, you can’t go wrong with Amaro. Created by the well-known Instagram creator “Cole Rise“, it gives your pics film-inspired and fascinating look. It adds extra light to the images while putting more focus on the center and darkening around the edges.

Times when you may wish to go filmy, a filter like Amaro can come into play with aplomb. The ability to add additional light to the image while still keeping the elegance intact makes it a great pick. That’s probably the reason why it’s loved so much among the Instagrammers who aspire to be the next-gen fashionistas. That said, you shouldn’t fail to make it a permanent member of your special collection of the top Instagram filters.

1. VSCO: Photo & Video Editor

I don’t think “VSCO” needs any introduction, does it? If you have been an admirer of mobile photography, you must have come across it at some point or the other. Anyway, let me tell that it’s one of the most popular photo and video editors for iOS and Android devices.

Availability: iOS and Android 

Have a liking for classic artwork? If the answer is yes, “Prisma” has to be an automatic choice for you. Boasting an ever-increasing library of hundreds of art filters, it makes sure you have tons of options to turn your pics into artistic paintings. I’ve been using this app ever since it was rolled out. And frankly speaking, I’m completely smitten by its impressive functionality that never seems to lose the charm.

Pricing: Free, in-app purchases available 

Should you want to have a full-on food photography app to spice up the look and feel of your yummy items, you’ve got to give a close look to Foodie. The app is packed in with over 30 top-notch filters. So, it doesn’t matter which food you are trying to capture or in which situation you are, you will easily find a filter that can stand up to your specific taste.

What’s more, Foodie is integrated with many apps and allows you to share your shots on many sites like Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, VSCO and more.

It’s no secret that gorgeous images grab a lot of likes on Instagram. And if you are rooting for enchanting photos to win hearts, you shouldn’t miss out on BeautyPlus. Loaded with a plethora of artistic and AR filters, it has got all sorts of ingredients to let you beautify your images.

That’s not all, you can also use a variety of editing tools to fine-tune your photos. Use the tools to wipe out the acne marks so that your photo looks flawless. Also, soften the skin to look younger and more elegant. Moreover, do not forget to edit the eye color and whiten the teeth to look at your charming best.

Use These Instagram Filters to Enhance Your Game