The future 2099 timeline established in Marvel Comics is coming sooner than anybody expected. Solicitations and the synopsis released for November 2019 reveals several titles that will crossover between one another. At the center of it all is everybody’s favorite web-slinger, Spider-Man! In order to stop the coming threat, Peter Parker must team up with the man who has taken up his heroic mantle in the future. That man is Miguel O’Hara aka Spider-Man 2099!

2099: Present and Future Collide

Parker and O’Hara stand at the center of the crossover. Amazing Spider-Man #33 will start the event, showing that O’Hara’s existence in the present day is somehow endangering his future. Issues #34 and #35 will continue the story, along with 2099 Alpha #1 and 2099 Omega #1. In addition, a number of tie-ins will release to coincide with the crossover.  The future versions of Venom, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, Conan the Barbarian and more will receive their own stories.

The 2099 idea was created back in 1992 and originally depicted a possible future for Marvel Comics. This was later retconned as being a separate universe entirely. High-tech and devoid of heroes, the line of stories taking place in Nueva York deal with new characters taking up the mantles of classic Marvel icons. Most popular among the 2099 wave of superheroes is undoubtedly future Spider-Man, Miguel O’Hara. Called “Spider-Man 2099”, the character has endured the brand’s cancellation, appearing in the Spider-Verse comic arc and eventually making the present day his new home. Now, with his decisions changing the future he hails from, O’Hara must find a way to stabilize the entire timeline.