This past Friday, several of 2K Games’ social media pages were hijacked. The accounts were used to spout racist and sexual messages across the channels hacked. These pages include the Twitter account for 2K Games and social media channels for games such as WWE 2K20, Borderlands, Civilization and others.

So, the publisher recently released an “apology” for these activities, according to However, the company hasn’t offered any explanation as to how this happened. Though, they have affirmed that they are now in control of these pages.

This is another entry in the stream of bad luck the publisher has faced. 2019 is the year of political and economic strife for these major corporations. And this is especially true of 2K Games.

2K Games Lose Control

Concerning the hacking of these accounts, the publisher posted a fairly standard statement on Twitter, saying:

Talk about remaining calm whilst being in the eye of the storm! One would assume that their security would be better when concerning these channels, but the games industry never fails to surprise.

The publisher then released a further Twitter post, saying:

A real tear-jerking apology, right? The lack of sincerity of their wording takes away any human element from the company. However, this is likely a way to throw off any public backlash from this. Either way, it’s not exactly an apology. It’s just a reaffirmation that it happened and that 2K Games does not agree with it.

Either way, the hijack is over and we can get back to moaning about the broken state of WWE 2K20.