Whether it is based on a smash-mouth rushing attack or spread-out passing game, every Madden player varies with their philosophy and strategies on offense. While there are many heavy-hitting plays spread across the 40 available offensive playbooks in Madden 22, these are five versatile plays that will have your opponent guessing in your wake while you stride to the endzone for a touchdown (or a bunch of yards).

Inside Zone

Package: GunFormation: Trey Y Flex

While a zone run may not be the most exciting play, this specific run and formation can be deadly, especially if you start reading the Defensive Line. In shotgun, this play looks like it is set up for a deep shot downfield and features five different receivers for which the defense has to account. This will likely cause your opponent to call in a nickel or dime package that will replace linemen and linebackers with more corners.

Focus on the Defensive Line in relation to where your run is designed to hit. If the linemen are spread apart from each other, your offensive line should create a good space for you. Post-snap, be patient and wait for your lane to form, then use your speed burst to attack the space ahead. While this play may not guarantee a touchdown on every play, it’s difficult to stop (unless you become one-dimensional) and is useful to chew up yards and soften up defenses for play-action shots downfield.

RPO Read Flat Wheel

Package: PistolFormation: Open Flex Close

Due to many moving parts, this play will call for you to make lightning-fast decisions before the defensive line gets to your QB, but if you’re up to the challenge this can be a problem for defenses to cover. After hitting the snap button, you will signal your slot receiver to motion across the formation, where the ball will be snapped. Thereafter, you will have two WRs on deep routes and your slot WR continuing his motion to the outside as a third passing option.

Your first read should be the slot WR in the flat, who will often be open. Act quickly and hit him and your WRs on deep routes will act as blockers downfield. If you find that option covered, your wheel route is your next option. Identify the defender in coverage and lead your WR away from him for a good chunk of yards. Your final WR will be on a double-post move—watch for two deep safeties, if they move toward the sidelines you may have time to zip this one in there if you have a QB with a rocket arm.

Stick N Nod

Package: GunFormation: Empty Y Slot

With limited check-down options and your receivers spread five-wide, this play is high risk, high reward. Your two streaks on the outsides will be enticing if you read single coverage, but your first read should always be the RB on the double move to the middle of the field.

Pre-snap, it would be ideal for you to see two high safeties as this play will absolutely torch a Cover 2 zone. Post-snap, look for those safeties to fade to their respective sidelines to shadow those outside streaks. Use the gap they vacate in the middle of the field, wait for your RB to make his second cut, and deliver it to him with a bullet. If you lead him upfield and hit your run after catch option, you’ll have an easy touchdown.

If you see a single high safety spoiling the double-move, watch where that safety fades and bomb it to the streak on the opposite side for a 50/50 ball.

Shallow Cross

A man and zone beater, this versatile play can provide you with successful ways to counter most defenses. Your first reads will be the crossing drag routes in the flats—crossing concepts are the most deadly route combos in Madden, especially against man coverage. Watch for the defense to get confused as they cross each other, and deliver it to the open option. If the defense backs into a deep zone, you will surely have one of the drags as a check-down as well.

While your short routes are designed as man beaters, your outside receivers are running route concepts designed to attack zone defenses, especially those that vacate the deep middle of the field. If you read zone and want to go deep, look for your outside WRs on their cuts into the middle of the field or when they find a space in the zone.


If you’re playing another player online, they’ve seen Verticals in its base form many times. This play thrives, however, when you begin to modify it with hot routes and audibles. The strength in this play comes from the versatile options you have pre-snap. If you read a zone, you can easily audible into an Inside Zone run and grab some easy yards. If you think the defense is expecting run, audible to PA Verticals and exploit them.

If you read man coverage, you can create a simple crossing concept by putting your TE on a drag and your innermost WR on a slant toward the open side of the field. Wait for the WR to pass the linebackers and hit him with a bullet. If you have a speedy WR this is a touchdown, if not, you’re guaranteed good yardage. If you read zone coverage, put your innermost WR on a streak, the slot WR on an out-breaking route, and the TE on a streak. Look for one of your streaks to slice through a hole in the zone defense and deliver the ball to the open space.

For more coverage on Madden 22, check out How to throw all passes in Madden 22 or Fastest Players in Madden 22, and stay tuned to Pro Game Guides for updates, news, and guides for your favorite games!