Wordle is still going strong after its acquisition from the NYT, and players are still logging in daily to guess that one obscure word of the day. While perhaps not as dominant in your Twitter feed, if you’re a former Wordle fan, then chances are you’ll have the hankering to return to form as the best guesser in your social circle. If you’re getting ready to jump back on the Wordle train, then it’s best to be prepared about potential words that might trip you up. For instance, you might find yourself in a situation where the first letter begins with B, and you have too many words to pick from.

What are 5 letter words starting with B?

5-letter words that begin with B are a dime a dozen, meaning you might have too many to choose from. Avoid a mishap by scanning over our curated list and comparing it with your available options. Review this list until you find a word suitable for the situation, and enter it in Wordle. You can hit ENTER and then watch your letters light up. These words will work in any Wordle game, so don’t worry about getting any false hits.

  • BabesBaconBadlyBeachBeaksBearsBenchBentoBeretBestsBigotBikesBilgeBirchBlazeBlendBloomBoggyBogusBoilsBoinkBoredBornsBossyBoundBoutsBrashBrassBreakBreedBrineBubbaBuddyBuffsBumpsBushyButchButts

Common starters for words that start with the letter “B” are “BA,” “BE,” “BI,” BO,” and “BR.” Try going down the list and using these starter letters to narrow down your options. Chances are, you will guess some more overlapping letters along the way, making your Wordle guessing adventures even more straightforward.