Solo vowel words in Wordle are always a killer and a threat to ending your eternal streak. Proving yourself to your friends and keeping that daily win streak up is an essential competition in life, but it might be tricky if you find yourself up against a word with only “E” as a vowel. If you find yourself in this rare situation, then consult this guide for some inspiration on some words you can use.

There are actually a good amount of words where “E” is the only vowel, but many of them can be on the obscure side. As a result, you might not know what word you can use at the moment and make some costly mistakes. Consult the list below, as there are many words available for every situation that you can use. Review this list until you find a word suitable for the situation, and enter it in Wordle. You can hit ENTER and then watch your letters light up. These words will work in any Wordle game, so don’t worry about getting any false hits.

Words with “E” as the only vowel

  • BecksBedewBedyeBeechBeefyBeepsBeersBegetBelchBelleBellsBeltsBellyBenchBendsBendyBeretBreedBlendBevelBevvyBeverCheekCleekCleptClerkCreedCreelCreepCremeCreptCrepeCrestCyberDeedsDweebEldenElderEventFenceFeelsFreedGeeksGenreGennyHeftsHeftyHeedsKeepsKernsLemmeLenseLetchMedlyMeedsNeedsNeedyNerdsPerchPervsPeweePressRentsRepelResetScrewServeSeverSewerStentTentsTermsTheftThemeVexedVexesWeenyWeepsWellsZestsZesty

As you can see, there are tons of words where “E” is the only vowel. Many of these words contain double letters — double “Es” in particular. As a result, you’ll probably have to guess a word with two E’s instead of one. Consult the list above carefully until you find your answer!