Having trouble with today’s Wordle? With only six tries to guess the right five-letter word, it can be difficult to come up with different words when you only have a few hints.

Today’s clues are an S as the first letter, and an O as the third letter.

Fortunately, there are a few words that have S as the first letter, and O as the third letter. Try to use words with different letter combinations to narrow down the potential word. Here is a list of words that fit the clues:

  • ScoffScoldSconeScoopScopeScoreScornScourScoutScowlShoalShockShoneShookShootShoreShortShoutShoveShownShowySloopSlopeSloshSlothSmockSmokeSmokySnoopSnoreSnortSnoutSnowySoothSootySpoilSpokeSpoofSpookSpoolSpoonSporeSportSpoutStockStoicStokeStoleStompStoneStonyStoodStoolStoopStoreStorkStormStoryStoutStoveSwoonSwoopSwordSworeSworn

These are the common words that have the first letter as S, and the third letter as O. As said previously, try words that don’t have two of the same letter (ie. Swoon) to get more hints about the right letters. You should be one step closer to figuring out today’s Wordle from the list provided!