Riot Games have released a new system called “Eternals,” currently on the League of Legends Public Beta Environment. The players have been asking for a system to track achievements in League of Legends, for many years now, but are these Eternals, precisely what fans have been waiting for? Take a look!

In case you don’t have your own ready access to the League of Legends PBE server, here is an update regarding its current state. Right now, on the PBE, there are Eternals, for sale in the shop. These Eternals are each tailored to a specific champion. Thus, there are 140 different Eternals that you can buy.

That’s right; “buy.”

Each Eternal costs 850 RP (Riot Points), which equates to 7.50 US dollars. Once purchased, these Eternals will track three separate stats when you play the champion attached to the chosen Eternal. Each tracked stat corresponds to a different achievement that you can unlock when playing that champion.

Each stat tracker is linked to a specific achievement. Therefore, there are three achievements for each champion, for a total of 420 achievements. These stat trackers ramp up in progression and unlock in-game flair for their completion.

Players have wanted achievements in League of Legends for a very long time. In fact, an achievement system is one of the most frequently requested features for the game. Most MMO games have one, after all. And in most games, the achievement system is tied to the loot system. Eternals, however, will not help you to unlock skins, icons or any kind of loot in League of Legends. 

Riot developers say that linking Eternals, to the Hextech Crafting, loot system would have been too complicated an endeavor. They also say that making Eternals cost money was the only way to justify expanding the feature in the future.