Apex Legend is infamous for its frustrating server issues. Although it’s not the only game with such problems, you are most likely to face some in every session of Apex Legends. The developers are Respawn Entertainment and EA are working consistently on permanent fixes to server issues such as lag, connection errors and more.

As a vigilant player, it should also be your responsibility to make sure that these errors aren’t from your end. Here’s a list of the most encountered connection symbols in Apex Legends and their meanings.

LATENCY / PING - This number relays how much time it takes for the data to travel from your system to the Apex Legends servers. The closer the server is from your location, the lower the latency. There is not much you can do to reduce your ping rather than requesting and waiting for the game developers to install new servers near you.

PACKET LOSS - This happens when your data doesn’t reach the servers in time, or it doesn’t reach them at all. This results in issues such as teleportation, rendering issues, bullets not registering, and more. Packet Loss is mainly due to some fault with your internet connection, maybe your router, faulty cables, ISP, etc.

CONGESTION - Congestion occurs when there is too much load on a specific server. This may be due to several people logging in to and playing the game at once. Your best bet is to wait for the traffic to go normal or change the server while the issue is resolved.

PREDICTION ERROR - There is always some time difference, in milliseconds, between you and the enemy player’s actions. Servers sometimes predict these actions beforehand to relay the least latency to you. However, this may lead to Prediction Error that needs to be fixed by the Apex Legends dev team.

OTHER ERRORS - Game crashes due to engine, system, server, or some other error. These issues in Apex Legends can be global, regional, or unique to you. Restarting the game and/or your device should be the best solution here. You can also wait for the developers to roll out a patch if the issue is faced by many people.

Best practice should be to select the server with the least Latency and Packet Loss in the main menu every time you launch the game. If required, prefer a server with less Packet Loss over one with low Latency for a seamless gameplay experience.

This measure ensures that there are minimal issues originating from your internet connection. Now you should just hope for the best. If the problems still persist, try uninstalling and then reinstalling Apex Legends.

For more Apex Legends, check out How to unlock Legends in Apex Legends on Pro Game Guides.