With only a few exceptions, Seasons in Apex Legends have been on a very consistent timetable since the release of the first season, Wild Frontier, in March of 2019. Outside of Meltdown, which lasted four months, and Boosted, which lasted around two and a half months, every season has lasted somewhere between 90 to 98 days. The Preseason was, of course, much shorter, but we don’t really think that counts as a season. This is especially impressive given the fact that each season has featured the addition of an entirely new Legend to the roster. Below is a table of every Apex Legends season name and how long they lasted.

Every Apex Legends season start and end date

When does Apex Legends Season 15 end/Season 16 start?

The most recent season, titled Eclipse, is scheduled to last 104 days, which would put the last day of Season 15 of Apex Legends as Tuesday, February 14, 2023. Eclipse’s new Legend, Catalyst, is a defensive character whose abilities should bring a new twist to the game, with a focus on building walls and traps more than blocking damage in the traditional sense.