Maybe you’re looking to up the challenge in Risk of Rain 2, or you’re just a completionist. Either way, here are the codes you’ll need for the artifacts in Risk of Rain 2 and how to use them. All codes are listed from the top row to the bottom row.
ROR2 Artifact Codes: How to unlock all 16 Artifacts in Risk of Rain 2
Artifact of Chaos
- Description: Friendly fire is enabled for both survivors and monsters alike.Code: Circle, Triangle, Circle – Circle, Triangle, Circle – Circle, Triangle, Circle
Artifact of Command
- Description: Choose your items.Code: Square, Square, Square – Square, Square, Square – Triangle, Triangle, Triangle
Artifact of Death
- Description: When one player dies, everyone dies. Enable only if you want to truly put your teamwork and individual skill to the ultimate test.Code: Circle, Circle, Circle – Square, Triangle, Square – Circle, Triangle, Circle
Artifact of Dissonance
- Description: Monsters can appear outside their usual environments.Code: Circle, Square, Square – Square, Square, Square – Square, Square, Circle
Artifact of Enigma
- Description: Spawn a random equipment that changes every time it’s activated.Code: Diamond, Square, Square – Triangle, Square, Triangle – Circle, Diamond, Diamond
Artifact of Evolution
- Description: Monsters gain items between stages.Code: Diamond, Diamond, Diamond – Square, Square, Square – Circle, Circle, Circle
Artifact of Frailty
- Description: Fall damage is doubled and lethal.Code: Circle, Circle, Circle – Triangle, Circle, Triangle – Triangle, Triangle, Triangle
Artifact of Glass
- Description: Allies deal 500% damage, but have 10% health.Code: Diamond, Diamond, Diamond – Diamond, Diamond, Diamond – Diamond, Diamond, Diamond
Artifact of Honor
- Description: Enemies can only spawn as elites.Code: Square, Square, Square – Square, Triangle, Square – Square, Square, Square
Artifact of Kin
- Description: Monsters will be of only one type per stage.Code: Circle, Triangle, Triangle – Diamond, Circle, Triangle – Diamond, Circle, Triangle
Artifact of Metamorphosis
- Description: Players always spawn as a random survivor.Code: Diamond, Square, Circle – Diamond, Square, Circle – Diamond, Square, Circle
Artifact of Sacrifice
- Description: Monsters drop items on death, but Chests no longer spawn.Code: Triangle, Triangle, Triangle – Triangle, Triangle, Triangle – Triangle, Diamond, Triangle
Artifact of Soul
- Description: Wisps emerge from defeated monsters.Code: Circle, Square, Circle – Circle, Diamond, Circle – Square, Diamond, Square
Artifact of Spite
- Description: Enemies drop multiple exploding bombs on death.Code: Triangle, Circle, Triangle – Circle, Circle, Circle – Triangle, Circle, Triangle
Artifact of Swarms
- Description: Monster spawns are doubled, but monster maximum health is halved.Code: Circle, Circle, Triangle – Triangle, Diamond, Triangle – Triangle, Circle, Circle
Artifact of Vengeance
- Description: Your relentless doppelganger will invade every 10 minutesCode: Diamond, Square, Square – Diamond, Circle, Square – Diamond, Square, Square
Codes mean nothing, though, without knowing what they do and how to use them. The first thing you’ll need to do is get to the Sky Meadow Realm (the 5th stage of your run) and look for a hole in the ground.
Against your better instinct, jump into the hole and don’t worry about the enemies as they won’t follow you. At the bottom of the level, you will find a 3 x 3 grid and a stone with the same grid structure, which is one of the 16 artifact codes! On the grid, you’ll walk up to each of the inputs and select the appropriate shape from the options of Square, Diamond, Triangle, Circle.
From there, you’ll notice a laptop behind you. Go to this laptop and interact with it, which will activate a portal across from the grid if the input in the grid is correct.
You’ll face a variety of challenges from here, and once those challenges are complete, the artifact will be yours.
Looking for more guides to help make it through the wilds of Petrichor V? Check out how to unlock all characters in Risk of Rain 2 or how to farm lunar coins on Pro Game Guides.