If there was ever a time to progress through an Apex Legends Mobile Battle Pass, it would surely be for Season 1: Prime Time. The game’s inaugural pass includes bare essentials like Win and Kill Trackers for each Legend and the vital Syndicate Gold currency. Of course, it wouldn’t be a proper Battle Pass without skins. It features five character skins, including Legendary ones for Pathfinder, Caustic, and Gibraltar.

Unlike the PC and console iteration, the Battle Pass for Mobile offers up 50 Tiers of cosmetics and currencies. However, it is much more generous to those who don’t own the pass, as it still lends one free cosmetic each Tier. Those desiring any of the items below will need to act fast. Season 1 and its Battle Pass is slated to expire on June 13. Here’s everything you’ll soon earn from Season 1: Prime Time Battle Pass.