Call of Duty: Warzone has reawakened its battlefield with Season Three; taking the map of Verdansk all the way back to 1984. The latest Season of COD: Warzone grants players with some new weapons, skins, and 13 new bunker locations.

All Bunker Locations in Call of Duty: Warzone

These massive bunkers, or defense buildings are located all over the map for players to keep safe in and escape the frenetic seat of war, just long enough to loot for warzone essentials. The Third Season of COD: Warzone gives players 11 number-labeled bunkers and two additional bonus bunkers to stumble upon, as well. Here’s a complete list of all bunker locations in Call of Duty: Warzone.

Bunkers 00-11

Bonus Bunkers

  • There will be no label for players to easily recognize, on this mysterious bonus bunker. Remember the aircraft cemetery, near Bunker 02? Suffice to say, this Special Bunker can also be found, where the broken planes are. Players should follow the tunnels that are located beneath the Factory, to come across this one.

  • Again, this bunker won’t be labeled, at least not with numbers. This hatch can be found near Summit, by the Firehouse. Follow the road that leads Southwest, which will lead players to go through two tunnels. Before the end of the second tunnel, about midway through, look for a blue door marked with the letters ‘BO’.

Once players have found each bunker, they will need the access codes to get inside the heavily blocked doors! No worries, check out our list of Call of Duty Warzone Bunker Codes.

  • Bunker 00 (The Hills Bunker)South of Promenade West and right on the edge of the game’s exploration limit. Players should be careful, when looking for this one; it’s very easy to miss and it’s even easier for players to miss their footing at the edge of the cliff.

  • Bunker 01 (The West Boneyard Bunker)Near the Boneyard, on the Southwest corner of the map; players will get off of the main road and follow the tracks in the dirt, into the forest. North of the go kart tracks, players should find some steps and head down to reach the small structure. Watch for those awesome campers, hiding out in the greenery, along the way!

  • Bunker 02 (Junkyard Bunker) This bunker is the farthest to the West edge of the map, a bit Northwest of the Boneyard, just South of Bunker 03. This is one of the most predominate bunker locations in the game; an area completely carpeted with the structural remnants of fallen aircrafts, apparently makes for a pretty gnarly battleground. Good luck getting to the door in one piece!

  • Bunker 03 (Boneyard Bunker)Near the Boneyard and a bit Northeast of Bunker 02, players will find this bunker in quadrant B5. Enter the bunker marked with 03 and go through a short entrance section, until reaching the bunker’s enormous doors.

  • Bunker 04 (Summit Bunker)Southeast of Summit, near a couple of small trailers, players will find this bunker in a nook on the cliffside above a large Russian sign.

  • Bunker 05 (Military Bunker)Bunker 05 is located directly South of the Military Base, east of the radio tower. This bunker is right on the road, in this highly isolated area. Of course, this makes for a nice sniping arena so, watch out!

  • Bunker 06 (Salt Mine Bunker)Located East of the Salt Mines, between Quarry and Lumber, directly above a train tunnel close by.

  • Bunker 07 (East of Karst Bridge Bunker)On the Eastside of the Karst Bridge, inside of the circular-shaped apartment building, players will find this bunker underground.

  • Bunker 08 (West of Karst Bridge Bunker)Directly West of the Karst Bridge and undeviatingly parallel to the previous bunker, players will easily locate this one in the same complex as Bunker 07.

  • Bunker 09 (Prison Bunker)Players can locate the Prison Hut on the Southwest side of Verdansk; just North of the Ocean and bit West of the Prison. It Sounds a bit tricky, but this bunker is worthy of its shenanigans. Once players find the hut, whip out those codes and prepare for a Legendary surprise!

  • Bunker 10 (Park Bunker)Directly South of Park, at the brink of the map’s boundaries, players must choose to either fly over the area to get to the rocks on the edge of the coast or take the road on the coast to access this tricky bunker. Choose one of these methods of entry and enter gracefully; loot and rest as needed, just pay no mind to the nuclear missile, chillin’ in the other room!

  • Bunker 11 (Special Bunker)Find this bunker on the edge of the cliff, North of the Military Base, in the mountains. Friendly tip, from gamer to gamer, players will need more than just Red Access Cards to get inside this one. Speak Russian, much?