Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a franchise that has spanned across many games. The most recent iteration of this branch of the popular series was initially released in December 2019 and ended up being a live-service seasonal game until Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War was released. During that time frame, Modern Warfare had several seasons for its free-to-play Battle Royale extension Warzone.

Once we transitioned from Modern Warfare Warzone to Black Ops Cold War Warzone, the season count was reset to Season 1, and we entered a new era of content for the game. However, some players are still curious to know the history of the Modern Warfare seasons, particularly their start and end dates. We have listed all of them in the table below. We have also included the start and end dates for the Black Ops Cold War seasons as well!

If you are interested in seeing all the trailers for the Black Ops Cold War seasons, feel free to check out our guide for All Call of Duty Warzone Season Start and End Dates. The list above provides everything you need to know about the start and end dates for Modern Warfare seasons. Good luck in Verdansk!

We also have the codes for the bunkers on the map. Check out our guides for the Boneyard Bunkers, Prison Bunker, or just go to our full list of Bunker Codes!