The Call of Duty: Vanguard live event will be available for a limited time in Call of Duty: Warzone. Players who jump into the game to complete the PvE event are expected to receive information about the next entry in the series. In addition, by the end of the event, players are expected to receive a few rewards for participating in it, beyond learning more about Call of Duty: Vanguard. These are all rewards you can receive for participating in the Call of Duty: Vanguard live event in Call of Duty: Warzone.

You will need to complete the event and make sure you jump into it while the event is available. You will be dropped into it to fill a full group of four players, so even if you’re playing by yourself, others are going to help you out to make sure you succeed and up your total squad damage against your main target, a heavily armored train. Some groups are smaller, but those don’t happen as often. You will be attempting to complete the PvE event alongside other players and get through all tiers of rewards by increasing your total squad damage.

These are all of the rewards you can possibly earn for completing and finishing the event. The number of rewards you earn is dependant on how much damage you deal to the train and whether or not you make it to the exfil point at the end.

  • Republic Impaler (Epic Knife Blueprint)Siberian Strider (Epic Motorcycle Skin)Little Shark (Weapon Charm)Timetable (Epic Watch)Clashing Sides (Epic Emblem)Dark Forest (Legendary LMG Blueprint)Warbound (Legendary Calling Card)