At the beginning of Apex Legends Season 11: Escape, big changes were made to how crafting ammo works. Now that the first major event of the season, the Raiders Collection Event, is arriving in the game, ammo crafting is changing again. It would most easily be described as a nerf, but it is luckily not affecting all ammo types. So, let’s look at all of the ammo types that have changes to their crafting methods.

Crafted Ammo Nerfs

  • [Nerf ↓] ArrowsReplicator now only makes 32 Arrows (formerly 48)[Nerf ↓] Shotgun ShellsReplicator now only makes 16 Shotgun Ammo (formerly 24)[Nerf ↓] Sniper AmmoReplicator now only makes 24 Sniper Ammo (formerly 36)

The crafted amounts for Light Rounds, Heavy Rounds, and Energy Ammo have all remained unchanged. This nerf only affected the ammo types that had previously given the player over a stack of ammo when being crafted in the Replicator.

This change has made it so that all ammo types now yield exactly one stack of ammo to the player when crafted.

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