While Diablo Immortal was made to focus on the mobile phone crowd, this is still a largely traditional Diablo experience. Your journey in this game will have you going up against countless demon enemies as you work to send them back to Hell. As always, you will make the important choice of choosing a class in which to build your character. Here are all of your class choices in Diablo Immortal and how they play.

All Diablo Immortal classes and how they play


Barbarians are brutal melee attackers. Their abilities revolve around giving them a chance to hit enemies from a short distance away, but the real bread and butter of their game is punishing anyone in their face. They want to deal as much damage as possible quickly to enemies close to them.


Crusaders are highly defensive tanks who, like the Barbarian, want to get up and close to enemies to deal their damage. They have stronger area of effect attacks that can damage multiple enemies around them rather than whoever is directly in front of them.

Demon Hunter

Demon Hunters are ranged physical attackers who make use of their crossbows to barrage enemies with incoming fire. Where they excel in damage output, they lack in defensive abilities, so you will want to make use of their movement to protect yourself.


Monks are fast-moving melee attackers who can dash and teleport all around the place landing their powerful punches. They want to deal enough damage to take enemies down before they have a chance to react.


Necromancer’s abilities revolve around controlling the dead. Between summoning boney armor and spikes and using the undead to your advantage, this is one of the more unique classes in Diablo Immortal.


Wizards are magical characters who want to keep their distance from enemies and hit them with their ranged spells. Their abilities consist of a variety of elements to affect your enemies like time manipulation, ice armor, and fiery damage.