Fallout: New Vegas may no longer be the most recent game in the series, but darn if it isn’t one of the best. It’s always fun to go back and start the Courier’s adventure through the Mojave again, so here are all of the console commands for the game.

List of Console Commands for Fallout: New Vegas

How to Use Item Codes

To spawn different items and weapons etc, you will need to input a code. However, just writing the code on its own won’t do anything, so you need to write it as such:

player.additem <base_id>  

Write the code you want in the base_id space and the quantity you want in the amount space. You don’t need to keep the brackets, the command should look like this for example:

  • player.additem 0015FD5C 1

If you use that particular code you will receive Chinese Stealth Armor.

To remove any items you have added, use this code instead:

  • player.removeitem <base_id>

If you have lost track of what you have added, you can look in your full inventory by using this code:

  • player.showinventory

Weapon Codes

  • Alien blaster 00004322Anti-materiel Rifle 0008f21cAssault Carbine (GRA) 0008f21eChainsaw 0015fe44Christine’s CoS silencer rifle xx0112baEuclid’s C-Finder 0014eb3cFat Man 0000432cFlamer 0000432dLucky revolver 000e2c86Mysterious Magnum 00127c6cLi’l Devil pistol xx000805Mercy 0015fff4Minigun 0000433fMissile launcher 00004340Pew Pew laser rifle 00103b1dPlasma caster 000906cfPower Fist 00004347Silenced .22 SMG 0008f218Sturdy Caravan Shotgun 001735e3Tesla cannon 000e2bec

Armor Codes

  • Advanced Radiation suit 0003307aBrotherhood T-45b power armour 00075201Combat armour, reinforced 00126500NCR Ranger combat armour 00129254Stealth Suit Mk II xx00c12fT45d power armour 00014e13

Alter Your Character

  • player.setscale - This will make you bigger or smaller. 1 is the normal size for a character. Lower numbers will make you tiny and higher numbers will make you gigantic. Remember to remove the brackets when inputting the value.player.setlevel X - Replace X with the level you wish to be atplayer.rewardxp 15000 - Allots you 15,000 XPsexchange - Switches your character’s sexshowracemenu - Switches your character’s raceshowbarbermenu - Alters your character’s hairstyleshownamemenu - Changes your character’s nameplayer.addperk <base_id> - Adds to your character’s perks. Like with the weapons codes, replace base id with the code of the perk you wish to implement. A full list of perks codes can be found on the Fallout: New Vegas Wikiplayer.removeperk <base_id> - Removes the added perk codeplayer.setav speedmult X - Changes your character’s speed. Replace X with a percentage value. 100 is regular speed, below 100 will make you slower, and above will make you fasteraddreputation <base_ID> <0/1 to add infamy/fame>  - Changes your character’s reputation. Replace <base_ID> with one of the codes found below. A value of 1 will add fame; adding a value of 0 will add infamy. Replace the with how much reputation you want to add or deduct. You can only add 5 reputation points at a time, and it also maxes out at 100. See the example below:

Eg: addreputation 000ffae8 1 5  - adds 5 fame to your Boomers reputation.

  • Boomers 000ffae8Brotherhood of Steel 0011e662Caesar’s Legion 000f43ddFollowers of the Apocalypse 00124ad1Great Khans 0011989bNCR 000f43dePowder Gangers 001558e6White Glove Society 00116f16

removereputation <base_ID> <0/1 to set infamy/fame>  - Use this to deduct any fame/infamy changes you have made

Alter NPCs

Much like with the perk codes, you can find the full list of NPC codes on the Fallout: New Vegas Wiki.

  • resurrect - Bring an NPC back to life if you accidentally killed them. Note: this will not work where quests are concerned, the game will still register the NPC as unavailable to complete a questtdetect - Makes it so NPCs can’t detect you, meaning you will be the perfect stealth machineaddtofaction  <0/1> — Replace the with one of the codes found below. Choose 0 if you want the specified NPC to be friendly with a chosen faction, and choose 1 if you want them to be allied with a particular faction. See the example below:Eg: addtofaction 0011989b 1 - Makes the targeted NPC a Great Khans ally.

  • removefromfaction - Removes the target NPC from a previously added faction

  • Player’s current faction 1b2a4Boomers 000ffae8Brotherhood of Steel 0011e662Caesar’s Legion 000f43ddFollowers of the Apocalypse 00124ad1Great Khans 0011989bNCR 000f43dePowder Gangers 001558e6White Glove Society 00116f16

  • tcai - Makes it so NPCs can’t fighttai - Turns the targeted NPC’s AI off

Camera, HUD and Other Miscellaneous Commands

  • tgm - This is known as God mode. It gives you infinite health, unlimited ammo, and you won’t become over-encumberedtdm - This is known as Demigod mode. You will have maximum health, as well as the ability to avoid be over-encumbered, but your ammo will still depletetfc - For activating and deactivating the free camera (add a 1 after the code to freeze everyone in the scene)tm - For turning the HUD, UI and menus off and ontcl - For getting rid of collisions and clipping. You can move through anything like a specterset timescale to <#>  - For slowing down or speeding up time. For regular time the default setting is 30Killall - Kills all NPCs and animals within your radius

  • sgtm  - Makes the game go at different speeds. Replace X with a multiplier, 1 is regular speed, 0.5 is half speed and 2 is double speed etctwf - Wireframe toggletmm <1/0> - This toggles map markers. Type 1 to show all discovered map markers, type 0 to hide them, or type tmm 101 to reveal all undiscovered markerstfow - Switch local fog on or offmovetoqt - Transports you to the next quest targetcoc  - Moves you to a specific location using a code. Replace the cell name with a location code. You can remove the brackets, as they are not needed. A full list of Cell IDs and location codes can be found on the Fallout: New Vegas Wikicaqs - Marks every possible mission and questline as completed within the game. Removes the chance for discovering or failing new quests

Looking for more content? Check out our article about the rumor of Bethesda being in early talks to a make fan-favorite Fallout: New Vegas sequel.

  • Eg: addtofaction 0011989b 1 - Makes the targeted NPC a Great Khans ally.

How to input Console Commands in Fallout: New Vegas

In order to input these commands, you will need to open up the console by pressing either the backquote (`) or the tilde (~) key (on US keyboards they are the same key, but on UK keyboards they are different).

Once you have done that you will notice the UI disappear, and a cursor will appear in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen instead. Now you can type in your command, make sure to press Enter to register it, and when you are done press the backquote/tilde key to come back out of the console.