Der Anfang, Call of Duty: Vanguard’s zombie map, brings back many things from previous games such as perks and the mystery box. However, this map’s objectives add an interesting twist to the tried and true Zombies mode formula. Here are all Der Anfang Objectives in Call of Duty: Vanguard Zombies.

Der Anfang starts with you right in the middle of Stalingrad. This is a small area where you can fight zombies, and it has a few upgrade machines. In this area, there are also three objective portals. Each portal will teleport you to a new area and have you complete one of the three objectives.


This objective is similar to the classic holdout-style gameplay that has appeared in previous games. The big difference here is that instead of defending an area from incoming hordes, you will be taking the fight to them in a more fast-paced playstyle to survive.


In this objective, the player is tasked with escorting and defending a floating Zombie head as it searches for weaknesses in the dimensional barrier to the Dark Aether. You will not only have to defend yourselves from the zombies but also the floating head as you and the head move throughout the map.


This objective requires players to kill zombies that will drop rune stones. These runestones then need to be collected and deposited into an obelisk called the Sin-Eater. Depositing enough of these rune stones will render the objective complete.

Those are all of the objectives in Call of Duty: Vanguard Zombies, Der Anfang. Players can pick and choose what objectives to complete and in which order to complete them. Completing these objectives will open more areas of the map and give access to certain perks. The choice is yours to make.

For more Call of Duty information, check out All Artifacts Abilities in Call of Duty: Vanguard Zombies here on Pro Game Guides.