Twelve Minutes is a game in which a husband, his wife, and a murderous cop are all trapped in a time loop. The player controls the husband and it is up to the player to figure out how to help the husband, the protagonist, escape the time loop. There are six possible endings to Twelve Minutes with some taking you to the credits, while others will not.


The protagonist is transported to the library with the Father, who expresses concern over the protagonist’s romantic feelings toward the Father’s daughter—aka your sister. But the conversation eventually cuts off mid-sentence. The Father believes both of you deserve better, but nothing stays hidden forever and he says how he wished he could go back to the way things were. The Father tells the protagonist that he has to make a choice and demands the player make it now. The protagonist will say that he and his sister shouldn’t be together. The Father will agree and tell the protagonist that he made the right choice and he is proud of him. The credits will then roll and the protagonist will return to the hallway. The difference now is that there is only one door. Inside is the apartment except empty of all furnishings and the wife. The only things that remain are the protagonist and the pocket watch.


The protagonist will confess to his wife and tell her that he is the one that killed her father. He says he wishes he could go back and fix things. The wife gets angry and confused and at first, thinks it is a joke so he tells her what her Father’s office looked like. The protagonist then tells her that a cop (under the impression that she killed her father) is coming to arrest her, but that he will confess instead. She agrees to wait and sits on the couch crying. The protagonist then calls the cop’s daughter and tells her to tell her father that the wife is innocent and that it was him who killed the father.

When the cop arrives the protagonist and his wife explain to the cop that it was the protagonist who killed the father. The cop is disgusted but says that they can deal with that later. He demands the pocket watch which the protagonist gives to him and tells the cop that no one has to die. The cop takes the pocket watch and leaves, warning them that he can find them again and that they don’t want to see him again. The wife tells the protagonist to leave and that she never wants to see him again.


Once again the protagonist is in the library and the father explains to him that his sister and he shouldn’t be together. The father tells him that he has a choice to make and demands an answer. The protagonist repeats a quote from the book his wife was reading and the father is surprised that he has read it. He then asks the protagonist if he wants to forget everything. The father warns the protagonist that there is no turning back, and this is his last chance. As the protagonist stays silent, the father tells the protagonist that he hopes the protagonist finds what he is looking for. The father then begins to hypnotize him. The camera slowly pans to the clock, which then begins moving backward.


After handcuffing the cop, the protagonist tells the cop that he is innocent. The cop, who understands, explains to the protagonist that these things happen and it is not his fault. He says if the protagonist helps him, then he will let the protagonist go. The protagonist agrees and the cop says he is going to get up slowly and for the protagonist not to do anything stupid. Then, the cop asks the protagonist where the pocket watch is located. After handing the cop the watch, the cop tells the protagonist to wait in the other room while he has a few moments with his wife.

After a few seconds, there is a gunshot. The cop returns and asks if the protagonist for a phone. The cop explains that he needs to call 911 and tell them that the protagonist’s wife committed suicide. After completing the call, the cop tells him that he’s lucky he gets a second chance and to do better next time. Then the cop leaves, leaving the protagonist with the body of his wife.


The wife greets the protagonist, telling him that she has prepared dessert. He grabs her cell phone and calls Bumblebee, the cop’s daughter. He explains to Bumblebee that her father, who is going to kill the protagonist and his wife, plans to steal the pocket watch and sell it, all to pay for Bumblebee’s treatment. She agrees to call her father and talk to him.

Then the protagonist tells his wife that he is ready for dessert. Over dessert, she tells him that she is pregnant and they are having a baby. He expresses excitement and they dance. Meanwhile, the cop has a conversation with Bumblebee and tells her he would never hurt somebody to pay for her treatment. He agrees to come over right away. As the protagonist and his wife dance, they confess their love for one another. This conversation leads them to the bedroom and to the bed where they begin kissing. The wife asks the protagonist to hold her and they cuddle.


The protagonist’s wife tells him that she has prepared dessert. She sits on the couch and after a few moments, asks the protagonist to sit beside her. The wife tells him that she is happy but wonders if they could have more. This confuses the protagonist, prompting her to question his trust.

Then the wife asks the protagonist a hypothetical: if she had an affair, would he want to know about it? The protagonist asks if she had an affair and when she says no, he tells her that if it was over and wasn’t affecting them, then he wouldn’t want to know. He clarifies that she shouldn’t lie, but if there was no reason to tell him, then leave it in the past.

The wife goes into the bathroom and shuts the door. The protagonist can hear her opening the ventilation grate to retrieve the pocket watch. When she exits the bathroom, she tells him that she has to tell him something. She says that she can’t tell him here and the two leave the apartment.

For more information on Twelve Minutes, check out How to restart the time loop in Twelve Minutes and How to get Bumblebee’s phone number in Twelve Minutes on Pro Game Guides.