In Rainbow Six Extraction, players will work in teams of three with fellow Operators to combat an alien invasion. Tackling many different operation types against the invading Archaeans, players will come face to face with a multitude of enemy types and variants. Knowing the best way to take down each of these enemies is the key to success in Rainbow Six Extraction.

Enivronmental Enemies


Sprawl is a substance found scattered across the ground and will slow Operators passing through it. This Sprawl can often be found around Nests and also spreads when Archaeans are killed. Killing an Archaean by shooting its weak spot will result in no Sprawl being spread on death. Sprawl can be eliminated by shooting it or melee punching it.


Nests are found throughout operations. If alerted by an Archaean, Nests will spawn enemies without stopping until eliminated. Nests can be destroyed by a close-up melee attack or by shooting them with weapons. Nests should be heavily prioritized by players as they can turn the tides of operations quickly.

Archaean Enemies


When alerted, Breachers will rush toward players and explode their bulbs on their back. It can be killed by shooting it, though if players shoot the bulb on its back it will explode and can damage both players and enemies with an AoE spread. Their explosion will do huge amounts of damage. This can also be used to the player’s advantage if the Breacher is near other enemies, but players should be careful not to injure their fellow Operators with the blast. Breachers should be taken out from afar when possible.


Grunts will attack players with melee attacks and will move very fast when alerted. These enemies can be attacked with melee or gun attacks, but should be taken out from a distance or with stealth tactics if possible, but they are not too much of a threat overall.


Spikers will attack players from a distance with damage-causing projectiles. Guns, stealth, or melee attacks are effective but these enemies should be monitored as their long-range attacks can cause real problems for Operators, especially when preoccupied with the many up-close Archaeans in the game.


Bloaters are similar to Breachers in that they will rush players and explode near them. They are different from Breachers in that they will explode into a cloud of gas causing damage to players and obscure their vision. It is important to take these enemies out from a distance if possible to avoid exposure to their gas, and also be mindful of fellow Operators’ position in relation to the Bloaters as Bloaters shot in their bulbs will still explode and cause damage to surrounding entities.


Rooters will produce a liquidus material that will deal damage and also lock Operators in place. Rooters can be killed by all conventional means but should be prioritized heavily, as an immobilized Operator is a sitting duck for other Archaeans.


Sowers will produce small yellow balls that will act as proximity traps for Operators. If triggered, these yellow balls will cause a blinding effect to Operators but can be removed by fellow team members’ melee attacks. Sowers can be taken out with normal attacks. Sowers should be prioritized, but they only pose a real threat in their traps. Their traps can be taken out with bullets and should be hit from a distance.


Tormentors are when things start to get pretty difficult for Operators. Tormentors will shift in and out of Sprawl. This oftentimes allows them to get the jump on players and evade most attacks that are sent their way. Tormentors will attack Operators from a distance with projectiles and if left alive can cause trouble for players. Players should work with fellow Operators to take them down early and avoid their shots when possible.


Smashers are hulking enemies that do just as their name suggests. They will be covered in Carapace which acts as armor for the enemy and makes them extremely tricky to take down without the use of the Operator’s REACT tech. Weak points are vitally important with this enemy and players should not target them up close. These enemies are tough and should obviously be a top priority when they are present.


Lurkers can pose a huge threat to Operators in battle, but not in the traditional sense. Lurkers will act as support units to other enemies. They will make other Archaeans and themselves invisible which can be the turning point in a fight, especially when many enemies are present. They are still visible with the typical ‘invisibility cloaking’ haziness that is present in most games but should be prioritized heavily due to their effect on other enemies.


Apex are one of the biggest threats to players in Rainbow Six Extraction. These enemies have the ability to summon other Archaeans to fight by their side and will do so frequently. This causes fights to go from a few enemies to a horde in no time and can make operations difficult for players. Their real threat is in their ability, though their health and armor are formidable. These enemies can be killed by all conventional means, but players should use heavier weapons and REACT tech to take them out most effectively.


Proteans have few equals when it comes to the threat they pose in battle. Proteans are Archaeans that can take the form and shape of Operators. This allows them to use that Operator’s fighting behaviors. All Proteans will be aggressive and agile and can be extremely deadly in battle as it is sometimes hard to tell them apart from your fellow Operators. The Proteans will imitate a few different Operators, each with their own skills and behaviors so it is important to locate them and take them out quickly.

Want to read more about Rainbow Six Extraction? Check out How to complete Sabotage Missions in Rainbow Six Extraction on Pro Game Guides!