PC players are invited to either confirm or bust several myths with the video game adaptation of MythBusters! Steam users can hop into the lab and work out experiments just like Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman. The game works out almost exactly like the Discovery show, so be sure to check out more below with the MythBusters Launch Trailer.

Warning: Be Ready to Have Some Scientific Fun with the MythBusters

Welcome to MythBusters: The Game, the first-person simulator that puts you in the shoes of the titular name. Through the MythBusters Workshop, players will need to manage and configure necessary resources in order to solve puzzles with the scientific method. Utilize whatever you can to ensure that the experiments go as planned. In the end, you’ll need the money to produce episodes of the show.

The release of MythBusters (which is fully titled MythBusters: The Game – Crazy Experiments Simulator) comes with a rockin’ launch trailer for us to enjoy. Although its length may be brief, it wonderfully showcases the planning process behind an experiment. In the footage, we’re treated to a hardworking montage that’s being backed by some classic rock music. It comes to a satisfying close with a rocket-powered car jumping off a ramp before the title card appears on the screen.

MythBusters: The Game comes to us from indie developer Byte Barrel. They’ve partnered up with gaming simulator powerhouse Movie Games (Gas Station Simulator, Food Truck Simulator, Drug Dealer Simulator) to bring the game to the masses.

Eager MythBusters can purchase the game now through the Steam store for $12.99. As a result of the launch, there is a 15% discount (approx. $11.04) being offered until September 8 of next week. So, you might want to grab your copy before the discount disappears!

Are you a fan of MythBusters? If so, are you thinking of trying out the game for it? What other simulators do you have on your radar?